Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things I am Learning to Do - Swim

We started our official swim lessons two weekend ago. I took her the first week, and this past week was pool time with Daddy. I wish I could convey to you how much she loves to splash around. Baby swim lesson consist mostly of getting her used to the water (check), trying to get her to kick (she's a bit young for this), floating on her back (which she hasn't quite decided if she likes), and getting dunked (which she's fine with). I am not sure we'll sign up for a second session after this first one as most of the things we are "learning" seem to be things we can practice on our own with her - the trick is going to be finding a pool where we can continue on our own. There are a couple of possibilities, so I hope to have more pool shots as the year wears on.

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