Sunday, August 9, 2009

Things I Can Do - Sign for More

Yes, it has been over a month, so here I am tonight trying to do some catch up. And things are going to be out of order because I want to link this video first. Aunt Jenny gave us a Baby Sign Language book way back when Ripley was just a wee fetus. We've been pretty good about one of the first signs babies are supposed to learn - MORE. You basically touch your fingers and thumbs on each hand and move them together. When Ripley was in NC, she did it once when we were eating breakfast with Aunt Jenny, but hasn't done it again since. Until tonight. When she very clearly had one hand with its fingers and thumb together and would hit it against the palm of her other hand. All to get the little cat cookies (like animal crackers) from Trader Joe 's.

She was a bit shy at first about doing it on video, but she finally did it.


The Potter's said...

I saw it clear as day...Good Job Ripley!

G-ma Janet said...

Maybe the pediatrician will count this as one of the "words" she should be able to say at her 15 month appt!