Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things I Can Do - Crawl Forward

As promised, here is a crawling video. She's been doing this since Saturday (2/7), so we'll count it as the day she first propelled herself forward with her belly off the ground (she had done some scootching on her tummy before). She is pro enough that she quickly made it to the side of the bed and fell off on Monday (see Oops post). I would guess that by the end of the week, she'll be up to mach 10.

**Yes, that is me whistling to try to get her attention. Sometimes it works, but I do feel silly doing it.**


The Potter's said...

WOW, she is getting so big and just cute as a button.

Anonymous said...

Mobile baby! Things will never be the same. Apparently she is not a diva--no playing to the camera. She's a girl who likes to do her own thing! Very, very cute.