Thursday, October 18, 2007

7 weeks 6 days

So it sounds like I am 7 weeks and 6 days along - which is practically 8 weeks (tomorrow) which is 2 months. This was the good news. It looks like June 1 could be my due date, but they'll have an official report to share.

Dr. Wu didn't call to give me the due date, but to tell me that the ultra sound showed that I have a subchorionic hemmorage hanging out with little bean. A really small one, he said - 1.3 cm by 2.4 cm (if I wrote it down right). He said it could have been the cause of the spotting a couple of weeks ago. And there is really not much to be done - it should get reabsorbed because it is so small.

A quick search on the internet was a bit scary...I think I might have to stop reading discussion boards. This is a link to an informational page. Dr. Wu said there wasn't much to be done and the medical site say the same thing. Basically that if you are going to miscarry, you are going to miscarry. Many of the board sites, though, say you should go on bed rest, not have sex and a million other things. I guess I am going to go with what Dr. Wu said, but probably won't keep doing any double-rides on the bike. Miscarriage increases with age - doubling for those over 35 (like me), so I am back to being worried and wondering if we should wait through the first trimester (after which the chance of miscarrying goes down significantly) to tell people. We were thinking about doing it next weekend, but I think I'll talk to Chad about backing it up to Thanksgiving again. It is so hard not to say anything, though! But I don't want people worrying about me and little bean.

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