Monday, October 8, 2007

One week to the first Appointment

So a week from today, I might know a bit more about this being pregnancy business. The ultrasound is two days later, but Dr. Wu said he could do a vaginal ultrasound and make his best guess (I am not sure he said guess, but I think this was what he implied).

All in all things seem to be going well. No more spotting. I did drink two diet sodas this weekend - and I bought some caffeine-free diet coke so that I won't feel guilty about the caffeine. Chad still has me nervous about the artificial sweetner, but I can't keep drinking juice and seltzer. Or maybe I can and I would if I HAD to, but I am not convinced I have to.

I have been feeling tired - not really able to concentrate for very long, but I don't know if this is truly something physical or me just mentally being all over the place. It does make it tough to prepare for my classes. Especially the silly portfolio class. I am glad tomorrow night is the last one on differentiation. Still a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I suppose I should put my tired self to bed. I've been getting close to 9 hours of sleep, but still drag a bit...

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