Thursday, August 14, 2008

Carleton Class of 2029

I just finished reading the most recent copy of my alumni magazine - The Voice - and I know it sounds as cheesy as it gets, but I want my daughter to be part of a place like Carleton. Calling it a place doesn't quite capture it because a huge part of it was about the people. Such amazing people. I spent an hour or so last night finding Carleton people on Facebook. Not best friends, but cool people who I like knowing are out there in the world.

While I said it is not completely about the place, I have to mention the peace that I feel when I am back in Northfield. It is hard to describe other than to say it just feels so right to be there - even all these years later. I do go to reunion to see people, but it is also about being on campus and in town.

I know there are a lot colleges that might provide the same environment, but there is a part of me that believes Carleton is unique. I suppose the best example of this is Dacie Moses house. I can't think of any of my friends who went to different colleges who had a place like this. A place to go bake cookies any time you want. This was probably more important to me as one who loves to bake, but for those who don't like to back, it was still a place to go eat cookies and play cribbage and have beer muffins for brunch. All surrounded by amazing people.

So the indoctrination will begin in earnest with Ripley's Carleton baby gear and will continue in 2012 (20th - 4 yrs old), 2017 (25th - 9 yrs old) and 2022 (30th - 14 yrs old) - our three chances to go to reunion and help her fall in love with the place too. Of course, I want her to have choices and will do my best not to cross the line into overbearing pushy mother. I have a feeling papa might lobby for Rutgers, but while he feels an affinity to the State University of New Jersey, I am not quite sure it is the same as my feelings about Carleton.

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