Monday, August 4, 2008

Daycare Update

I was talking to my mom over the weekend and realized that I had not given an update on the daycare situation. Ripley will be starting a week from today at a place called the Vera Shank Child Care Center, which is only 2 blocks from our house. It was recommend by one of the board members at Chad's school, so we visited and really like it. It is a much smaller center than the Tide Point center - they just started an infant room earlier this summer and will only have 6 infants at a time with 2 caregivers.

We are going to start with half-days and see how it goes. I am hoping to work in the office 3 days a week and from home the other days, but I would have the option of taking her if I really need directed time to focus on a project. I have to be flexible with my hours since a lot of the e-mailing I do with students happens at night anyway.

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